Wield the Power of the Pen to
Rewrite the Story of Your Life!

Self-development gurus say the most successful 3% write their dreams & goals on paper.
Learn how to use the Power of the Pen PLUS the Law of Attraction to attract massive success.
Make Myself Great Again Kits help rewrite the story of your life to propel you in a whole new direction!

A Published Vision Book Offers these Self-Development Options

ACTIVATE CREATIVITY Creativity dried up? Publish a vision book to reawaken your genius zone;

PROCESS & RECOVER personal crisis by writing a vision book around a life-changing event;
DISCOVER & DEFINE a new career direction and publish the vision plan for achieving it;
LEAVE A LEGACY for family of memorable stories, historical chronology, and vision;
PUBLISH THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE for submission to a traditional publishing company;
PUBLISH & COPYRIGHT your screenplay to present to filmmakers and funding sources;
CREATE & PUBLISH your personal vision book with new goals and a plan for achieving them.

Make Myself Great Again Kit—SILVER

Retail Price: $305.85 | $77.00 Sale

Produced personally by self-publishing goddess Deborah S. Nelson, the Make Myself Great Again Kit SILVER Edition gets you started with the basics. After spending decades in the printing and the publishing business, Ms. Nelson created some very practical resources. These tools, tips, and tricks that will save you time money and frustration—and will help push you all the way through the finishing line!

The Make Myself Great Again Kit SILVER Edition features various tools in the form of digital downloads and a paperback book. Allow 7-10 days for the delivery of your paperback book. The digital information is immediately available after purchase. Utilize your bonus one-hour master course with Deborah S. Nelson when ready to work one-on-one to complete your dream journey. Schedule your private consultation within 30 days.

Mannie Jackson

"Ms. Nelson is a great partner and important member of my team. Without her tireless efforts, I would have stopped long ago. She’s an angel and wields the powerful art of dreaming, writing, and publishing. As a coach, she balances the paradox of gently coaxing your story from your inner being, while firmly guiding your book to its published completion." Read More.

—Mannie Jackson (Las Vegas, NV)
Harlem Globetrotters

Mannie Jackson
Maya Shaw Gale

"Like a gentle midwife, Deborah S. Nelson skillfully and gracefully coached me past my resistance and procrastination to give birth to my first book of poetry; and managed to make it a painless, playful, and flowing process."

—Maya Shaw Gale (Carpinteria, CA)
Poet & Life Coach, Creative Edge Coaching

Maya Shaw Gale
Patty DeDominic

"Deborah S. Nelson is a wonderful book writing coach and generous mentor. She knows how to gently and patiently coax the book out of a person—then firmly guide them to bring it to published form."

—Patty DeDominic (Montecito, CA)
Founder, DeDominic & Associates
International Woman’s Festival

Patty DeDominic
D. S. Beasley

"In these uncertain times, an action plan is more necessary than ever, and this book and Deborah’s courses lay out the steps in practical, do-able ways. Entrepreneurs are going to save this country in this economic downturn; this book will help you to let go of your fears and start building on your own unique dreams to achieve them like never before."

—D. S. Beasley (Colorado Springs, CO)
Owner, Angel Arts

Dana Beasley
J. Nelson

"This book is easy to read and will get you motivated to take action the day you read it! The author breaks it down step by step so that anyone at any age can accomplish any goal. The author is down to earth and doesn’t include any hocus-pocus mumbo jumbo common in other books of this genre."

—J. Nelson (New York, NY)

Jamie Nelson
Larry Melby

"Dreams to Reality, when used with its workbook, truly helps the reader define their dreams (goals), and list them—which is very important. Then, you pick one and ride it to fruition in a wonderful way. I was pleasantly surprised since I don’t think of myself as a dreamer. Well done, Deborah."

—Larry Melby (Carpinteria, CA)

Larry Melby
Julia Loggins

"Being a published author is the best feeling in the world! With Deborah Nelson’s professional, creative, practical and informed guidance, you can be a published author too! Why try to navigate this crazy publishing world by yourself, or reinvent the wheel? Hiring Deborah to assist me in publishing my book ended up saving me money, time and the endless frustration, because she knows the world of self-publishing like no one else." Read More.

—Julia Loggins (Santa Barbara, CA)
Author, Dare to Detoxify,
It Takes Guts to Be Happy!

Julia Loggins
Eve Briere

"I took Deborah’s Author Your Book Course. I was at a stage in my book where I hit the wall. I met with Deborah privately who brainstormed with me on the message I was trying to convey. I did not have a solid title yet and Deborah helped me to see how important that was. Once I got the right title, the whole book came together. I am grateful for her insight, guidance and ability to see the whole picture"

—Eve Briere (Santa Barbara, CA)
Founder, Successful Organizing Solutions
Author, 31 Days, 31 Spaces

Eve Briere
Bill Hood

"Just as others, you will no doubt by now have been inundated with books that promise all sorts of miracles—wealth, happiness, success, spiritual growth, inspiration, motivation and the proverbial more—if only you will buy the book. The problem is that all of these books expect you to follow the author's dream, the author's plan, the author's timeline, the author's goals." Read More.

—Bill Hood (Austin, TX)
Bill Hood Books

Bill Hood
Carol Stall

"The author distills and simplifies centuries of wisdom in this little easy to read the guidebook for setting & accomplishing life goals. Well worth owning a copy. You'll likely keep it as a long-term guidebook to your universe."

—Carol Stall (Austin, TX)

Carol Stall
Peter Kahuria

"For a lot of us, it's not that we don't have dreams. Life gets busy and all we get to do is what needs to be done. This book is a call to action to get started with bringing your dreams to reality. Dreams to Reality [rewritten and rebranded as The Newest Secret] helps you define your dream and get you started with actually making the steps to fulfill that dream. Want to get started working on your dream? Get this book!"

—Peter Kahuria (Oklahoma City, OK)

Peter Kahuria
Cindy M. White

"Deborah S. Nelson's course, Author Your Book, which uses the Author Your Reality Textbook along with the Author Your Book Action Plan Workbook, was fantastic! The material was easy and straightforward. Her 10 step Author your Reality Curriculum takes you through the process which can be applied to manifesting any dream, I suppose. However, my dream was to become an author." Read More.

—Cindy M. White (Santa Barbara, CA)
Author, The Ripple Effect Game

Cindy White
Audrey Addison Williams

"I am in East Africa serving as CEO of Inspire Africa Academy and consulting using the vehicle of my own firm, Audrey Addison Williams. Deborah Nelson's course, which she gifted me with two years ago, is a major reason why I am now living my best life. Thank you, Deborah."

—Audrey Addison Williams (Kapala, East Africa)
CEO, Inspire Africa Academy

Audrey Addison Williams
Taylor Reaume
Visualization in a New Way!

"If you are looking to live your dreams or visualize your dreams—this book is for you. Living your dreams is not easy these days, especially in this down economy. Using a dream board or a vision board is often cited as one of the best ways to achieve your goals when striving for your dreams. I really enjoyed reading this book—highly insightful and very informative."

—Taylor Reaume (Santa Barbara, CA)
Search Engine Pros

Taylor Reaume
Robert Munster

"When I first started with my publishing coach, Deborah S. Nelson, I did not even know how to cut and paste. I was at a kindergarten level in the presence of a Masters’ degree teacher. After eight or nine months, I have made it to the third grade and progressing all the time. However, Deborah, patiently, has given me the skills I need to publish my second book within one year. Deborah possesses an ocean of skill and wisdom which she readily shares." Read More.

—Robert Munster (Portland, ME)
Author, Still Surfing, Forty Eight Years on Waves,
Who Are We, Really?, Learning to Listen to Life’s Clues

Robert Munster
Emily Yurcheshen

"This workbook is a genius creation for writers, like me, who have wanted to publish a book but never knew the right order or steps to take to complete it! This insightful guide provides a step-by-step approach to help budding writers organize their thoughts and includes all the necessary components to publish. I took a fabulous publishing workshop with Deborah where, with her guidance, my book blueprint was delivered in the mail." Read More.

—Emily Yurcheshen (Santa Barbara, CA)
Author, An Odyssey of Song

Emily Yurcheshen
Deborah De Vries
Dream Catcher Tool.

"Great Tool for establishing dreams suitable for junior high students through college and adult seekers. Positive affirmations and simple step by step activities make this a must have tool for those ready to plan for future, write a practical life plan, or even write a book!"

—Dr. Deborah De Vries (Ventura, CA)
School Trustee and College Instructor

Deborah de Vries
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How Can the Make Myself Great Again Curriculum Help You?

Are you secretly shy? Fearful to speak in front of groups? This was the story of my life from ages zero to ten. I was an extremely shy little girl⁠—so shy I would not even speak in school⁠—all the way up to the fifth grade. A teacher named Mr. Shaw inspired me to greater heights and I determined to break through my shell and recreate myself as a whole new person. With knees and voice shaking I crossed the fear of public speaking barrier in fifth grade. You too, can transform your life by writing a new script! Make Myself Great Again Workbook guides you step-by-step to create a new vision. You will also learn how to publish your own vision book.

Making Dreams Come True—on Purpose

From fifth grade on, I studied personal development writers, speakers, teachers, and gurus. I spent enough on self-development resources and events to buy a small home! From eating fire at Tony Robbins’ seminars to practicing meditation, and studying Seth Speaks and Abraham Hicks⁠, I transformed myself many times over. After practicing personal transformation for five decades (from fifth grade to 50); I had a dream to share my knowledge, wisdom, and experience. I wanted to give my readers some takeaway—rather than just the positive hype I had embraced from decades of workshops and events. The two-part Change Your Story series was my dream come true.

Law of Attraction PLUS Power of the Pen EQUALS Success

So about 10 years ago I stumbled onto a powerful secret—the secret to making dreams come true—on purpose! This formula combines the Law of Attraction with the Power of the Pen. Once you manifest your vision in the form of a vision book, you have taken the first step of bringing your dream to reality. Your dream has started to become physical in the form of a book. Now you can take away a published vision plan for your new life story.

Like a Vision Board—Only Better

Real lasting change can happen when using the Power of the Pen combined with the Law of Attraction ! When you write your dreams, goals, visions in storybook form, you will soon see them enter your reality. Just like a vision board, your “vision board book” will pull your plan into focus. The vision book you write and publish in the Make Myself Great Again Workbook will propel your dreams to reality!