Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles—What Are Your Pet Obstacles?
Welcome to Day 2 of Busting Negative Thought Habits—Overcoming Obstacles. This is the prerequisite course for our vision book and DIY publishing curriculum. To order the complete mini-course, or other beginning, intermediate or advanced self-publishing resources and tools, go to the Deborah S. Nelson Bookstore. Otherwise, just keep reading for the free stuff—which is a great place to start.
You’ll be amazed how taking these easy thought-steps will start to bring your dreams closer to you. In addition, doing this daily will create a great habit—and a great habit brings great results. First, we will identify your favored obstacles—and then we’ll focus on overcoming obstacles.
Launch Your Courage
With Day 2 we are going to go a little further with your anxieties and fears. First of all, we all have them. Let me tell you, I have taught many people and guided many people through bringing their dreams to reality! We all have fears that keep us from just getting started. By the fact that you have already done Step 1, and are now on Step 2, you are way ahead of the game! Congratulations for taking this Step 2! Yes, congratulate yourself!
For this step, we want you to remember the first little anxiety that comes to mind, possible your first thought this morning when you woke up. Is it a personal insecurity? A bill you need to pay? A favor that you promised someone? Simply identify one small anxiety and allow it to have voice before you squash it down. We do this because the fears, insecurities and anxieties that become our “pet obstacles” keep us from seeing our real dreams come true. Yes, we know that you may have been taught or exhorted, “no negative thinking!” But there’s a difference between negative thinking, fearful thinking, positive thinking and truthful thinking. Right now we want to shine one truth on one negative thought, to dismiss it. We are now overcoming obstacles that can cause negative thinking.
How to Melt Fears
So, let’s just simply take one minute to identify one fear, anxiety, or insecurity. Then, speak to it. Tell it, “Thank you very much, I know that you are trying to protect me from harm, but I am dismissing you to go into the light of truth.”
Next, imagine the light of truth shining on that one little anxiety or fear. Just like that you are melting fears and overcoming obstacles that have been probably camping out and hanging out in your emotional and psychic space for years.
To truly master the life skill of attracting your dreams to reality, you may invest in any of the Dreams to Reality self-help curriculum through the Deborah S. Nelson Bookstore. You can also obtain a free digital version of the Newest Secret Textbook by catching this introductory deal or, schedule a private course with the author, Deborah S. Nelson.
By shining the truth on just one tiny fear or negative thought, it will dissipate. Therefore, we do this step-by-step, day by day, until we have gained the freedom and the confidence to move past our fears and to launch our courage. Once you’ve disintegrated one little tiny negative fear, you are ready for Day 3. Remember to spend just a minute a day upon waking to dissipate any fears, anxieties, or insecurities that may crop up.