How Inspired is Your Author Within? August 16, 2018 by Deborah S. Nelson Take the Quiz and Get 40% off Self-Publishing Tools & Books at Publish in Paradise Have you been toying with the idea of publishing a book for some time? How long has it been since you dreamed of being a published author? Take this quiz to see if you've got what it takes! Once you complete the quiz, you may purchase self-publishing tools or E-books for 40% off with the promo code you will receive at end of quiz. Just click on next below to start with the quiz! Are you brimming with a riveting story, certain wisdom, or special skill to share with your world? Yes Not sure No Hint You have written diaries, journals, articles, essays, blogs, poetry, or fiction for: A few years All my life Since I was a youngster Only recently Hint You written works have been published at least: Once Never Over 10 times Too many times to count Hint Do you already have a manuscript complete or almost compete? Yes Partially No Hint Before you die, can you envision yourself publishing a book? Yes Maybe No Hint On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most) how much would you expect that your brand, business, or personality will be elevated by you being a published author? Hint On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being great) how good do you think your writing is? Hint On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being most) how do you rank your inner passion to write? Hint How often do you voluntarily sit down to write? Once a day Weekly Monthly More than once a day Hint On a warm summer evening what would you rather do? Go out to eat with Friends or Family Curl up and watch my favorite TV Show Get out to do some writing research Just stay home at my desk and write Hint Name Email Previous0 %NextNext Time's up