DAY 9: You Become What You Think About
Welcome to Day 9 of Busting Negative Thought Habits—Dreams to Reality—the prerequisite course for my vision book and self-help publishing curriculum. To get the full mini-course, or other beginning, intermediate or advanced self-publishing resources and tools, go to the Deborah S. Nelson Bookstore. Otherwise, keep reading for the free stuff—which is a great place to start.
Learning Dreams to Reality
Although these steps are simple, unfortunately most of us were not taught these steps. We were taught how to read, how to do math—but rarely has anyone taught us the life skill of how to bring dreams to reality. In addition, rarely has anyone taught us the skill of identifying what our dreams may be. Today we are going to trade in one belief system that we have identified yesterday that is not enhancing our dreaming process for one that does.
Practicing Dreams to Reality Steps
We are teaching you one day at a time how to turn your thought processes into a dream machine! So. today we would like you to think of a new belief that could replace the belief that you identified yesterday. Substitute a newer belief that is impeding you. It might be a belief that is saying that you do not deserve to have your dreams come true, as well as a belief that you are not good enough to be successful, or that you are never going to amount to anything. We want you to imagine in your thoughts that you are going to replace that belief with a more truthful, more life giving belief.
Practice New Beliefs and Thoughts
Think of a new belief and in your mind to replace that belief every time the old belief pops up. Sometimes I ring a bell or a buzzer in my head, when I hear or feel or sense that an old belief is kicking in. Then, I am able to substitute it with a happier, more loving, or productive belief. All I have to do is spend a few moments restated the belief to my subconscious. After 10 days, usually a new habit is formed and we do not have to think about it!
Dreams to Reality Resources
To go deeper into perfecting the life skill of attracting dreams to reality, you may buy and work through any of the Author Your Dreams self-help workbooks in the Deborah S. Nelson Bookstore. Or, schedule a private course from the author, Deborah S. Nelson. If money is short right now, sign up for the free digital version of the Newest Secret Textbook to get started right now!
Are you having trouble thinking of a new belief? Then try thinking of something that is the opposite of that belief, it usually works well! Or you can substitute an unproductive belief with a thankful belief. These beliefs and thoughts are hanging around all the time. However, most of the time we don’t ever realize they are running in the background. In addition, we tend to overlook how much they affect our choices, actions, and life outcomes.
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